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Learning a second language is not a hard nut to crack and English language isn’t an exception either. Having a good grip on the English language gives you many advantages, including passing a study visa interview. You need to improve your English to prove your language proficiency in order to get admission into the top universities in the English-speaking world.

Studying at these universities brings great future prospects for you. You can land your dream job or apply for permanent residency. Hourly rates are higher in these countries and your family can enjoy high living standards, including medical facilities and advanced education. For all, the first step in improving your English language.

No matter if you are planning to take IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE exam, the blog will help you fasten the pace of your English language skills by sharing some amazing tips.

Improve Your English: Practice English Speaking

English-speaking skills are crucial for the language proficiency test. Without a language proficiency test, you can’t pass your study visa interview. You are to speak English during the visa interview, too. Poor communication can result in the rejection of the study visa.

To improve your English, you actually have to speak it. No matter how many seasons you watch on Netflix or listen to English Podcasts, it won’t help your speaking skills. There are hundreds of groups on Facebook where you can find a speaking partner. Most of them are preparing either for studying abroad or getting a study visa for Australia, Canada, or the UK.

By talking to these aspirants, you won’t only improve your speaking skills but will also get help in the test preparation. Here are some tips you can follow to become a better speaker.

  • Speak small and meaningful sentences which convey the complete context.
  • Never make grammatical mistakes and it’s always a good idea to talk to someone who has better English-speaking skills than you do so that you get your mistakes corrected instantly
  • If you can’t find any partner, there are several apps that can help you practice English speaking.
  • Follow different YouTube channels such as mmmEnlish, POC English, etc. Prefer following those channels which are created by the influencers who belong to the countries you are planning to go. It will help you understand the native accent and daily life sentences native speakers use in their conversation.
  • To improve your vocabulary, learn three unfamiliar words, find their synonyms, and make them a part of your active vocabulary. Record your voice and listen to it. Hear your accent and flow.

Improve Your English: Become a Better Listener

Listening is another important module of the language proficiency test and to improve your English. You must develop good listening skills to understand the accent of native speakers. Watching movies can help you garner the expected results.

Close subtitles when you watch movies. In the beginning, it would be difficult for you, but gradually you will get used to it. You can overcome the initial difficulty by watching a scene without subtitles and then the same scene with subtitles.

Improve Your English: Write More Effectively

Nobody can deny the importance of excellent writing skills and its significance gets even higher when it comes to getting study abroad. You can expect to write like a pro writer with the practice of a week or two. It needs patience and consistency.

To become an excellent writer, you need to become an excellent reader first. Thanks to the internet where hundreds of books and blogs are available online. Read blogs written by professional writers, understand the tone, pay attention to sentence structure, and don’t forget your grammar.

Medium, BBC, Quora, and Reddit are some amazing platforms where you can find the best pieces of writing by amazing writers. Practice writing one paragraph a day and then escalate and then increase it.

Get your writing reviews by an expert. Grammarly and WordTune are two free online tools that can help out a lot. Grammarly highlights your grammatical mistakes and suggests corrections, while WordTune suggests better alternatives of the sentence.

Also Read:  Top Courses to Study in Australia to Get a Job

StudyWise App: Get Free Study Visa Guidance from Experts

StudyWise has a dedicated team of study visa advisors. If you have any questions regarding the requirements of a study visa relevant to the language proficiency test, then feel free to contact us.


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