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Australian Government offers various benefits to foreign students to help them achieve their study abroad goal and part-time jobs in Australia for students in one of such initiatives. We all know that to accomplish studying abroad dream one needs consistent income to pay university fees and fulfill your daily needs. Many bright students come from middle-class or lower-middle-class families who can’t afford expensive education. They either get a scholarship or their parents somehow manage their university fees but students have to do something to pay rent or buy groceries.

Australia never discourages such students and allows them to do part-time jobs to get financial relief. With a part-time job, they can earn a handsome amount of money enough for their daily needs. Australian Government has fixed reasonable hourly rates for part-time workers so that they can earn enough money to have a good life standard.

Many students planning to study in the top Australian universities are interested to know about the best part-time jobs in Australia for students . The blog will help them to choose a job feasible for them.

Best Part-Time Jobs in Australia for Students

Whenever it comes to best part-time jobs in Australia for students, it’s always a great idea to find a job relevant to your field because that will give you experience and money. Moreover, the chances of getting a permanent residency (PR) get higher when you have job experience. However, at the beginning of the course, it might be difficult for many students to find a job in the same field they are enrolled in.

Don’t worry. Here is the list of jobs available for every student who want to earn some extra bucks.

Become a Tutor

Knowledge is power. Australia gives the liberty of utilizing this power to earn money. Students who go on scholarships can easily find a tutor job in Australia. Advanced courses being taught in the best Australian universities polish your communication skills as well as provide you with the latest information.

Spread your knowledge and help others to have a bright future. Meanwhile, earn a handsome amount of money from it. the minimum wage of a tutor in Australia is around $20-$30.

Security Guard

A security guard is another very respectable profession in Australia and one of the best part-time jobs in Australia for students . After the pandemic, the shortage of workers has made it easy for students to become part-time jobs.

Festivals and concerts are part of Australian culture. They love weekend parties and enjoy food festivals. This increases the need for security guards because there is always a need for good management to make these events successful.

A part-time security guard job can help you make $18-$20 per hour which is enough for your monthly expenditures.

Also Read: Tips to Pass Study Visa Interview in First Attempt


Getting a job in Australia isn’t a big deal in Australia after the shortage of laborers. However, you must be careful when choosing a part-time job for you. Considering your interest and patience would be a great idea. For instance, not everyone can become a waiter because not every individual can be courteous towards people.

If you love serving people and have an interest in restaurant management, then a waiter’s job will help you grow in your profession. You will get practical experience in the field and will also learn how to deal with all kinds of customers. Above all, you can easily earn $12-$15 per hour.

Part-Time Jobs in Australia for Students
Part time Jobs for Students in Australia

Delivery Person

Home delivery isn’t a new idea after Covid19. Those looking for some great part-time jobs in Australia for students must not ignore it. Courier companies business has flourished a lot in the pandemic. They didn’t only help people to maintain a safe distance but also offered numerous job opportunities for part-time workers.

Like any other country, a number of courier companies are operational in Australia which acts as a backbone for eCommerce businesses. DHL, UPS Courier, FedX, Amazon, Aramex, Australian Post are just a few examples of the well-established courier companies in Australia.

The minimum wage of a delivery person in Australia ranges between $18-$25.


You need to give a second thought to your thinking if you believe that Dubai is the only country where drivers are highly valued. Having a driving license in Australia is easier for you. If you buy your own car, then commuting won’t be an issue for you.

Personal chauffeur, taxi driver, school bus driver, and cab captain are some high-paying part-time jobs you can do while studying in Australia. You would be able you get $20 an hour or more that makes it a great part-time job in Australia for students.

StudyWise App- Find Your Study Options in Australia

Your career can be given a flight with the right course selection. Download StudyWise app and create your profile to find the best study options for you in Australia. A good course choice will eventually lead you towards a great career and stable job in Australia. Talk you our consultants for free and get ready to have your next degree in Australia. Moreover, you can also get advice on the best part-time jobs in Australia for students to make things easier for you at your study destination.


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